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Marketing research
Marketing research for investment feasibility
Marketing consultancy
Market of Consumer Goods and Services
  • Research of purchasing behavior
    Research of preferences of the high-income population group of Saint-Petersburg in respect of purchase points of wardrobe items and accessories

    During the research the specialists of the Research company «Infowave» have conducted over 50 personal in-depth interviews with representatives of target audience. The research task was to educe the purchasing behavior model while buying clothes and footwear, as well as to determine the attitude toward the Shopping center, which has ordered the research. The information, which was obtained as a result of research allowed the Customer to get a full picture of perception by the target audience of the Shopping center, as well as its competitors, and to form a hypothesis concerning the positioning strategy of the shopping center.
  • Series of researches of audio-, video- and household equipment buyers
  • Research of acoustic systems buyers
  • Dry cleaners and laundry market report
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