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Marketing research
Marketing research for investment feasibility
Marketing consultancy
Sport, Health, Recreation
  • Research of endoprosthesis market
    Research of the market of paid services on endoposthesis replacement in Saint-Petersburg

    The Customer — a company, owning a hospital located in one of European countries has made a request for research of the market of paid services on endoprosthesis replacement. In the course of the project’s execution we have collected information on competitive situation on the market, determined the model of endoprosthesis choice by consumers, estimated the perspectives of paid endoprosthesis replacement development in Russia and unsatisfied demand for endoprosthesis in Saint-Petersburg. On the basis of this information the Customer could estimate the possibility to attract patients from Saint-Petersburg, as well as expediency of investments in endoprosthesis’s manufacture launch in Saint-Petersburg.
  • Review of the rehabilitation services market
  • Estimation of demand for services of a sport and recreation center
  • Research of the market of sport-recreation and sports-entertainment services
  • Research of sports nutrition market
  • Research of billiard equipment market
  • Research of the market of weight loss medications
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